Our 53rd Season!

Honey Candle Co.

37 Main Street, Orleans, MA
(508) 255-7031


Walk into Honey Candle Store and the earthy fragrance of beeswax surrounds you like a warm blanket on a chilly night. Candles of every shape and size give the place a festive look, no matter what time of year it is. In the workshop behind the candle space, Agostino Di Bari plies his craft with the skill and enthusiasm of an old world candlemaker. He designs and builds the molds into which the hot beeswax is poured to create
various shapes, and carefully removes the hardened wax after it cools. He also makes tapers by delicately dipping them into metal pails of wax until the desired thickness is achieved. All around the work space formed tapers hang to dry, emitting a lovely fragrance of beeswax. This is the place to buy the perfect hostess gift or to replenish your candle supply.